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August 26th

8:00 AM - 8:10 AM (Montreal, Canada) Question Mark

8:00 AM - 8:10 AM (Chile)

09:00 AM to 09:10 AM (Brazil)

01:00 PM to 01:10 PM (Portugal)

02:00 PM to 02:10 PM (Central Europe)

Simon Flandin 300 circle-cropped.png

Welcome of participants and presentation of speakers

Simon Flandin - Master of ceremonies

08:10 AM to 08:55 AM (Montreal, Canada) Question Mark
+ 20 minutes questions

08:10 AM to 08:55 AM (Chile)

09:10 AM to 09:55 AM (Brazil)

01:10 PM to 01:55 PM (Portugal)

02:10 PM to 02:55 PM (Central Europe)

Jacques Theureau 300 circle-cropped.png

Enaction, Epistemology & Political Science

Jacques Theureau

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My experience of the civil war [in Chile] taught me that epistemology (...) shapes the world we live in and the human values that we live in." I extract this quote from a text by Francisco Varela where he talks about his experience of the day of the coup d'état of the Chilean generals in 1972 which pushed him into exile: that of the abandonment of all his certainties about the world he lived in, facing an event for which his research and teaching work had not prepared him, and which was the product of a long process - Francisco Varela speaks of "a process of extreme polarization of the Chilean' society ", that his certainties and his work had prevented him from perceiving. The epistemology of which he speaks is manifold: that of researchers like him; those of those who, like him, participated in the current cultural and social progress; those of the actors and supporters of the military putsch. This thesis questions "political science". It was not extended by the enactive research beyond what Francisco Varela wrote in the remainder of this text. However, we can rely on them to initiate this extension, as I propose to do.

09:20 AM to 10:05 AM (Montreal, Canada) Question Mark
+ 20 minutes questions

09:20 AM to 10:05 AM (Chile)

10:20 AM to 11:05 AM (Brazil)

02:20 PM to 03:05 PM (Portugal)

03:20 PM to 04:05 PM (Central Europe)

Natalie Depraz 300 circle-cropped.png

Enaction and microphenomenology

Natalie Depraz

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What is the share of surprise and novelty in a microphenomenological explanation interview? How is the relationship between interviewee and interviewer placed under the sign of surprise? How does the novelty of the experience discovered during an interview offer an important criterion for the success of an interview? Here I will reread the Varelian epistemology of enaction in the light of the surprise model within the framework of microphenomenology. 

10:30 AM to 11:15 AM (Montreal, Canada) Question Mark
+ 20 minutes questions

10:30 AM to 11:15 AM (Chile)

11:30 AM to 12:15 AM (Brazil)

03:30 PM to 04:15 PM (Portugal)

04:30 PM to 05:15 PM (Central Europe)

Cael Cohen 300 circle-cropped.png

Is the ship the cause of the wake, or is the wake the cause of the ship? Towards a broad enactive approach to eLearning

Cael Cohen

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The theme of this presentation is the potential of a broad enactive approach to transform the theory and practice of eLearning. I begin with a thought experiment suggesting the transformational power of a broad enactive approach: “Does the ship cause the wake, or the wake cause the ship?” This presentation suggests a framework for future research on the topic of enaction and eLearning and makes three main points. (1) A broadening of the enactive approach in cognitive science is mirrored by a narrowing of the enactive approach in education giving rise to limitations and challenges. (2) Grasping that eLearning is enaction, not self-action or inter-action, shows the transformative power of enactive eLearning. (3) A case study of an eLearning course suggests that effective, deep, and engaging eLearning is enactive. I explain how enactive eLearning fundamentally rethinks what it means to learn and think and transforms how we understand evolution and information.

11:35 AM to 12:00 PM (Montreal, Canada) Question Mark

11:35 AM to 12:00 PM (Chile)

12:35 PM to 01:00 PM (Brazil)

04:35 PM to 05:00 PM (Portugal)

05:35 PM to 06:00 PM (Central Europe)

Debate and closure

Break (1 hour)

01:00 PM to 01:10 PM (Montreal, Canada) Question Mark

01:00 PM to 01:10 PM (Chile)

02:00 PM to 02:10 PM (Brazil)

06:00 PM to 06:10 PM (Portugal)

07:00 PM to 07:10 PM (Central Europe)

Julia San Martin 300 circle-cropped.png

Welcome of participants and presentation of speakers

Julia San Martin - Master of ceremonies

01:10 PM to 01:55 PM (Montreal, Canada) Question Mark
+20 minutes of questions

01:10 PM to 01:55 PM (Chile)

02:10 PM to 02:55 PM (Brazil)

06:10 PM to 06:55 PM (Portugal)

07:10 PM to 07:55 PM (Central Europe)

Camila Valenzuela 300 circle-cropped.png

Towards a science of experience: Outlining some challenges and future directions

Camila Valenzuela-Moguillansky and Ema Demšar

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The study of experience has been installed as a relevant element in the study of cognitive phenomena. However, its incorporation into cognitive science has been largely done by following an objectivist frame of reference, without reconsidering the practices and standards involved in the process of research and validation of the results. This has given rise to a number of issues that reveal inconsistencies in the understanding and treatment of some crucial aspects of first-person research. In this presentation, we will outline a research proposal that aims at contributing in the establishment of a framework for the study of experience that addresses these inconsistencies. Particularly, we will identify challenges facing the study of experience – in particular those linked to the understanding of memory, expression, and intersubjectivity in exploring experience – and propose to reframe them under the enactive approach. Moreover, we will explore the prospect of gaining insight into theoretical and methodological strategies for dealing with these issues by extending our vision beyond the field of cognitive science to its neighboring fields, focusing on the field of somatic practices.

02:20 PM to 03:05 PM (Montreal, Canada) Question Mark
+20 minutes of questions

02:20 PM to 03:05 PM (Chile)

03:20 PM to 04:05 PM (Brazil)

07:20 PM to 08:05 PM (Portugal)

08:20 PM to 09:05 PM (Central Europe)

Sylvie Morais circle-cropped.png

Enaction in artistic training. Experience and creation

Sylvie Morais

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This presentation is the result of reworking my doctoral thesis in educational sciences, specializing in arts education. By questioning myself on the reasons why action, like a red thread, accompanied my pedagogical intuition, I retrace the path of thought as I have traveled, lived and experienced it. Defending such an intuition, however, requires deference to cognitive psychology and neuroscience, because our field of research, the plural sciences of education, tends to be interested in the biological, psychological and social roots of learning. We will therefore present how the notion of enaction was concretely introduced into our artistic pedagogy, so as to open the discussion on its issues in teaching.

03:30 PM to 04:15 PM (Montreal, Canada) Question Mark
+ 20 minutes questions

03:30 PM to 04:15 PM (Chile)

04:30 PM to 05:15 PM (Brazil)

08:30 PM to 09:15 PM (Portugal)

09:30 PM to 10:15 PM (Central Europe)

Ivan Magrin-Chagnolleau 300 circle-cropped.png

Enactive creation and enactive pedagogy: experiments, assessment, perspective, foresight

Ivan Magrin-Chagnolleau

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I came into contact with enaction by chance in 2011. A colleague forwarded me a call for chapters for a book dedicated to enaction in the arts. I didn't know anything about enaction, but reading the argument of the appeal, I had an (enactive?) experience. What that appeal described made total sense to me. So I decided to answer it, and I immersed myself in many readings in the subject of enaction, and in particular the book “The Embodied Mind.” Enaction quickly became one of my research topics. I first explored the concept of action applied to the creative process, especially for this call, and also by participating in several conferences on or around this theme. I have also endeavored to try to construct interventions that allow this concept of enaction to be experienced in real time. I also explored the application of the concept of enaction in pedagogy, and enactive pedagogy in turn became one of my research themes. I will take stock of this work and suggest some possible extensions.

04:35 PM to 05:00 PM (Montreal, Canada) Question Mark

04:35 PM to 05:00 PM (Chile)

05:35 PM to 06:00 PM (Brazil)

09:35 PM to 10:00 PM (Portugal)

10:35 PM to 11:00 PM (Central Europe)

Debate and closure

25 août

August 25th

27 août

August 27th